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Mille-feuille V
Product Details
结婚戒指每一只都是订制,按客人的喜好、手形改动阔度及厚度。 选用18K金为物料,戒指可以制成银色、金色、玫瑰金色及黑色。 选用PT950只可制成银色戒指。
Each wedding ring is made to order, and the width and thickness can be changed according to the customer's preference and hand shape.
18K gold as the material, the ring can be made in white, gold, rose gold and black.
PT950 is only available in white color.
Product Story
The marble surface of mille-feuille, coupled with chocolate sauce, the dessert combines vision and taste, and the inspiration for the ring is born.
Other rings in the series
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